Veteran Owned Business Enhancement “Verified Member” Listings
Enhanced “Verified Member” Logo Listings Get - $99.99 Annually ($299 value)
Logo on profileAdding a logo to your listing makes it more noticeable and increases brand awareness. It's also 87% more likely to be clicked! Don't have a logo readily available? We will set you up with your military branch seal as a placeholder. You can easily submit your logo at a later date.
Example Business Listing with a Logo:Higher visibility on all places listed in:a. Categories | Geographic pages| NAICS Codes
Example Business Listings by State:3 Additional categories for a total of 5 (or 6 with link back to VOB)Listing your business under more categories increases your exposure. Get one (1) additional category listing when you link your website to VOB.
3 Additional Applicable NAICS Codes for a total of 5Add your business' NAICS Codes so government purchasers and contractors can find you in our exclusive NAICS Codes Directory and NAICS Codes Search Engine. Enhanced listing show above basic profiles and include your logo. Number (to the right) shows how many codes are alloted to each membership level.
Detailed description (500 characters vs. 250 for basic)
Mailed “Verified Member” Stickers Packet
Shows in Google Matched Content throughout site and BLOG (1,000s of daily page views)
Priority mention if contacted by media
Mention in social media (example: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)With a supporter network of nearly 400,000, we have a unique opportunity to help promote members through posts and tweets. Check out our reach on Facebook and Twitter. Small Business Sponsors and Enhanced listings will get a mention!
Approval generally same day
Editorial/design help (with special offer, category selection, content/description and banner resizing)
Additional Categories
Add additional categories to your Enhanced Listing for only $10 per category!
Each Additional categories expands reach with some categories registering over 50,000 views a year
Approval generally same day
Editorial/design help (with category selection and description)