Veteran Owned Business and SDVOSB Certifications in Florida

State of Florida Veteran Owned Business Certification:

- Referrals to state agencies and other organizations seeking certified businesses;
- A listing in OSD’s Certified Business Enterprise Vendor Directory;
- Exclusive emails containing contract and networking opportunities, special events and training announcements; and
- Free online recertification every two years to simplify the process.
Here is a list of the minimum eligibility requirements your business must meet on becoming a state-certified Veteran Owned Business/Service Disabled Veteran Business in Florida. You will need to submit documentation supporting the following:
- Be legally registered to do business in Florida as a for-profit organization (registration through the Department of State).
- Be based in Florida.
- Be owned and managed by a resident(s) of Florida.
- Be 51 percent owned and managed by a veteran who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien.
- Be engaged in commercial transactions (currently doing business).
- Be registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace.
- Have a net worth of less than $5 million.
- Have 200 or fewer full-time permanent employees.
- Have a professional license, if required by the industry, in the name of the woman, veteran or minority business owner.
Ready to get your veteran owned business certified by the state of Florida?
- Step One: The first step to certification is to register as a new vendor on, the state's procurement website, if you are not one already. During this process, you will be asked "If you are seeking Minority Business Certification." In the options provided in that step, you will want to indicate which certifications may apply to your business by selecting the designation(s) in the "Non-Certified" column. For more information about registering your business with the state, visit MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendors.
- Step Two: Review the Required Documentation List and gather all of your necessary required documentation.
- Step Three: Mail, fax, or scan and email all of your supporting documentation to the Office of Supplier Diversity (see below)
Office of Supplier Diversity
Florida Department of Management Services
4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 380
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950
Phone: 850-487-0915
Fax: 850-414-6122
Department emails:
- - for questions and assistance with the certification process
- - to send your electronic documents required for certification
- - for inquiries about events hosted and/or attended by the OSD
For assistance or questions about certification or the process of becoming certified, email or call 850-487-0915. Please do not send your documents to this email address.

The above state certification information was brought to you by Veteran Owned Business. Veteran Owned Business is in no way affiliated with the above organization(s). We do not in any way endorse the above business/organization or guarantee the above news/press release. The Veteran Owned Business Project is simply providing information we feel is of interest to veterans, active duty military, reservists, service disabled veterans, veteran owned businesses, service disabled veteran owned businesses, families of veterans, families of our armed forces and any other person or persons directly or indirectly involved with the United States military community.
If your business is (or you know of another business) owned by a veteran (VOB), active duty military, reservist or military spouse of the United States, Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard or National Guard, please be sure to visit the sign up page to get your membership and business’ profile.
The objective of our FREE Veteran Owned Business Directory is to continue to offer a growing list of products and services that are unique in the fact that they are all owned by, sold by and/or serviced by past and present military members!
Be sure to check out our new national and state Veteran Owned Business Certification and Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOSB) section or VOB/SDVOSB Certifications by State: AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY
Looking to hire here in the not too distant future? Be sure to add your job(s) at no cost by visiting our new Veterans Hire Veterans Employment Network!