Vet Centers In Texas
The Veterans Health Administration, Readjustment Counseling Service Vet Centers in Texas provide social and psychological services, including professional readjustment counseling to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, including National Guard and Reserve components, and their families. Readjustment counseling is offered to make a successful transition from military to civilian life or after a traumatic event experienced in the military. Individual, group, marriage and family counseling is offered in addition to referral and connection to other VA or community benefits and services. Vet Center counselors and outreach staff, many of whom are Veterans themselves, are experienced and prepared to discuss the tragedies of war, loss, grief and transition after trauma. Here are the Vet Center locations in Texas:
Below is a listing of Vet Centers in Texas
Abilene, Texas Vet Center
3564 North 6th St.
Abilene, Texas 79602
Amarillo, Texas Vet Center
3414 Olsen Blvd.
Suite E
Amarillo, Texas 79109
Arlington, Texas Vet Center
3337 West Pioneer Parkway
Northlake Center
Arlington, Texas 76013
Austin, Texas Vet Center
2015 South IH 35
Suite 101
Austin, Texas 78741
Beaumont, Texas Vet Center
990 IH 10, North
Suite 180
Beaumont, Texas 77702
Corpus Christi, Texas Vet Center
4646 Corona Drive
Suite 250
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411
Dallas, Texas Vet Center
8610 Greenvill Ave.
Suite 125
Dallas, Texas 75243
El Paso, Texas Vet Center
1155 Westmoreland Drive
Suite 121
El Paso, Texas 79925
Fort Worth, Texas Vet Center
6620 Hawks Creek Ave.
Westworth Village, Texas 76114
Houston SW Vet Center
10103 Fondren Rd.
Suite 470
Houston, Texas 77096
Houston W Vet Center
701 North Post Oak Rd.
Suite 102
Houston, Texas 77024
Killeen Heights, Texas Vet Center
302 Millers Crossing
Suite 4
Killeen Heights, Texas 76548
Laredo, Texas Vet Center
6999 McPherson Rd.
Suite 102
Laredo, Texas 78041
Lubbock, Texas Vet Center
3106 50th St.
Suite 400
Lubbock, Texas 79413
McAllen, Texas Vet Center
2108 South M St.
MedPoint IV, Unit 2
McAllen, Texas 78503
Mesquite, Texas Vet Center
502 West Kearney St.
Suite 300
Mesquite, Texas 75149
Midland, Texas Vet Center
4400 N. Midland Drive
Suite 540
Midland, Texas 79707
9504 IH 35, North
Suites 214 and 219
San Antonio, Texas 78233
San Antonio Northwest Vet Center
9910 West Loop 1604, North
Suite 126
San Antonio, Texas 78254
Spring, Texas Vet Center
14300 Corner Stone Village Drive
Suite 110
Spring, Texas 77014

The above state Vet Center information was brought to you by Veteran Owned Business. Veteran Owned Business is in no way affiliated with the above organization(s). We do not in any way endorse the above business/organization or guarantee the above news/press release. The Veteran Owned Business Project is simply providing information we feel is of interest to veterans, active duty military, reservists, service disabled veterans, veteran owned businesses, service disabled veteran owned businesses, families of veterans, families of our armed forces and any other person or persons directly or indirectly involved with the United States military community.
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