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(877) 862-5478

UpNorth-Vet IT Consulting

Business Address:
9100 West Bloomington Freeway
Suite 142
Bloomington, MN 55431
Hennepin County
Business Contact:
Mr. Justin Cermak
Business Developement
Contact UpNorth-Vet IT Consulting

Service Disabled Veteran Owned | Army, Retired | Member since April 11th, 2011
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

UpNorth-Vet IT Consulting is a Minnesota-based (MN) Information Technology (IT) Placement Agency. IT Staffing and IT Consulting, Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOSB). UpNorth-Vet, Inc. is a business with lines in: Project Management, Business Analysis, Web Services - SOA, Applications Design and Development.

Please mention you proudly found UpNorth-Vet IT Consulting on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

As a Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, the foundation of this organization is patriotism. Many veterans have fought in combat for our great nation and sacrificed much for the freedom we all share today. Our value to clients is to be a leader within the Veteran Community so that those veteran-owned companies coming behind us are recognized for the service and dedication we provide you today.

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