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Tractors, Planes, Golf and Dames - A Memoir By Don W. Volk

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Ms. Linda Radke
Contact Tractors, Planes, Golf and Dames - A Memoir By Don W. Volk

Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Retired | Member since April 1st, 2011

"Tractors, Planes, Golf and Dames"
A Memoir By Don W. Volk

Farmer, Warrior, Professional Golfer, Husband, Throughout his lifetime, Don Volk has done it all. His story, Tractors, Planes, Golf and Dames is an inspirational tale of strength, character, and perseverance. A true message that dreams can become reality. Tractors, Planes, Golf and Dames, by Don W. Volk (ISBN: 978-1-58985-192-4), nonfiction, paperback, is published by Five Star Publications, Inc.

About The Author Don W. Volk:
Don W. Volk was born in Utah on January 27, 1924. Over the next 80+ years, his life has encompassed the ordinary as well as some of the most extraordinary events of our time. While a young man, he learned just about everything there was to know about engines and things mechanical. That background led him to a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Army Air Corps and the U.S. Air Force, serving through three major conflicts: World War II (The Greatest Generation), Korea, and Vietnam.

While his wartime exploits are an undeniable integral part of his life experience, they do not define him. Rather he is the composite of his parents’ values of hard work and dedication, a passion for the game of golf, and an enormous capacity for love. It is because of these interrelated qualities that he settled on the title of his memoir, Tractors, Planes, Golf and Dames. And by “dames,” he means no disrespect whatsoever. You can just imagine him winking when he tells you the title.

Why does an “ordi

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