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Bear Global

Business Address:
Bear Global
Cincinnati, OH 45229
Hamilton County
Business Contact:
Mr. Byron Stallworth
Contact Bear Global

Veteran Owned Business | Army Reserves, Retired | Member since July 24th, 2010
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

Bear Global: Inclusion Sales and Strategy Consultants. Bear Global grows businesses (MBE/WBE/VOB), via strategic partnerships and single sourcing solutions to win contracts in the public and private sector.

Please mention you proudly found Bear Global on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

I was the Training NCO for my medical unit. I learned how on communicate effectively to the Command Staff and the Enlisted. I learned how to work with all types of people, young and old, rich and poor, and of any race. I learn to respect people for the work that they do, not what they say. Most of all, I learned how to work for and with a team. Byron Stallworth Ret. NCO US Army Reserves CEO, Bear Global

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