Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Retired | Member since May 6th, 2024
We find the best flight tickets possible by comparing itineraries and routings from more than 650 airlines.
With, you can quickly and securely search, book, and pay for flights and trips worldwide.
We also have 300,000 hotel and holiday rentals for you to choose from and car rentals across all model types and price ranges. All come with a special Military only discount.
With a significant focus on affordable travel, we continuously negotiate for you, adding new partners and simplifying the travel booking experience for you. is the place with the lowest fares and vacation offers. Pay safely online with your preferred payment method, and you're off!
Please mention you proudly found MilitaryFares on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
I've served as an officer in the Air Force. I flew fighter jets for the most part of my service. My entire military education built the strong foundation that allowed me to become a better business owner.
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Small Business Sponsor Offer
VacationSavers - Highly Discounted Travel Rates
VacationSavers is your one-stop-shop for your dream vacation. We negotiated discounted rates for Hotels, Resorts, Tours, Cruises, Activities, Parks & Entertainment Tickets and much more.
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MilitaryFares - Tagline/Slogan:
Honoring Service with Travel Savings
Lodging and Travel >> Air Travel
Lodging and Travel >> Hotels
Lodging and Travel >> Resorts
Lodging and Travel >> Travel
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US wide Worldwide