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Condemed Property Corp.

Business Address:
P.O. Box 141
Aurora, OH 44202
Portage County
DBA/Alternate Name/Nickname:
Dusty Trimmer

Business Contact:
Roland (Dusty) Trimmer
Contact Condemed Property Corp.

Service Disabled Veteran Owned | Army, Separated | Member since May 21st, 2019
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

Condemned Property Corp. is the mother of four military books (non-fiction) about the Vietnam War and its participants during the war and after the war up till 2019. Motivation is the key service from these four books. Motivation to get thru the mindboggling detours at the Department of Veterans of Administration so that needy veterans can more easily obtain their benefits.

Earl “Dusty” Trimmer relates with both skill and personal experience events surrounding our most forgetable and misunderstood war in America’s history. He brings it all home with his down-to-earth style and considerable knowledge. In Unbreakable Hearts, Dusty dives into the Vietnamese history and culture and skillfully brings the reader into understanding our Vietnamese enemy’s amazing resolve. He brilliantly explains the evolution of our Vietnamese enemy over hundreds of years of invasions and wars. Always defending their country to remain free became an art. In Chapter 7, Dusty describes the Vietnamese women fighters as “Hellcats.” My own experience with the formidable Vietnamese Viet Cong women’s skills and expertise closely mirrors Dusty’s. Hooch girls could plant booby traps in a GI’s hooch with a skill and savvy they were forced to learn during decades of on-the-job training in continuous wars with unwelcomed invaders.

My own Military Police experience after leaving the infantry revealed these incidents vividly. In later chapters, Dusty moves into our own veterans’ profound

Please mention you proudly found Condemed Property Corp. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

Prepared me to handle all adversity that life tends to present to people. Made me more confident and sturdy as an individual and more respectfull and understanding of others problems who I may or may not interact

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