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Landscape Dominate

Business Address:
1550 Izaak Walton Rd
Madison Heights, VA 24572
Amherst County
Business Contact:
Mr. Ben Vangarde
Contact Landscape Dominate

Veteran Owned Business | Army, Reserves | Member since June 16th, 2018

Landscape Dominate is a brand that exists to empower small business owners with medium to large business strategies. We strengthen your online reputation (which translates to your ACTUAL reputation in today's world), and we help you to follow up with all those people who visited your website, but didn't call you (which is around 96%), by showing them high converting digital ads all over the web.

Please mention you proudly found Landscape Dominate on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

When I entered the military, I was not sure which direction I wanted to go. After serving in a logistics capacity, and deploying to Afghanistan, I decided that I wanted to contribute at a higher level. I completed my active duty obligation, and transitioned to the National Guard. It was there that I began to pursue a role in the Army's Special Forces. While I have not yet fully achieved my goal, I was successful in getting selected at the prestigious Army Special Forces Assessment & Selection.

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Landscape Dominate - Tagline/Slogan:
Digital Marketing Company that empowers small businesses to separate their brand in a competitive field. We help strengthen reputation, brand recognition, and lead generation. We use video marketing, digital ad retargeting, and media relations to heavily boost a company's image and recognition in their community.

Hours of Operation (Time Zone: Eastern)

7:00am - 6:00pm

7:00am - 6:00pm

7:00am - 6:00pm

7:00am - 6:00pm

7:00am - 6:00pm




Serviceable Areas

Richomond, VA Columbus, OH Indianapolis, IN Louisville, KY Lexington, KY Dayton, OH Cincinnati, OH Raleigh, NC Greensboro, NC Durham, NC Roanoke, VA Lynchburg, VA Cleveland, OH Toledo, OH Newport News, VA Norfolk, VA Virginia Beach, VA Washington, DC Charlotte, NC Winston-Salem, NC

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