Chan Family Choy Lee Fut - Los Angeles
Veteran Owned Business | Navy, Separated | Member since February 27th, 2015
Please mention you proudly found Chan Family Choy Lee Fut - Los Angeles on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
As a Petty Officer you not only have to ensure your doing your job, but you learn to help others learn and do their jobs. This has helped me with not only running the business with a partner and senior students, but also with my teaching. Also the long working hours, watch duties, etc. prepared me for the many hours you have to put in weekly to make a business successful. It has given me the discipline and will power to deal with anything in order to prosper.
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Hours of Operation (Time Zone: Pacific)
Stores and Dealers >> Sports and Outdoors >> Martial Arts Supplies and Schools
Education and Training >> Martial Arts Training >> Martial Arts Schools
Serviceable Areas
Fresno, California