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DAV Oklahoma

Business Address:
2311 N. Central Ave.
Suite 1000B
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Oklahoma County
Business Contact:
Mr. Danny Oliver
Contact DAV Oklahoma

Non-Profit Organization | Member since June 24th, 2012
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

DAV Oklahoma's Mission: Since its founding more than 90 years ago, the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) has been dedicated to a single purpose, building better lives for America’s disabled veterans and their families.

Fidelity to that mission has required DAV to respond creatively and flexibly to changing and sometimes unpredictable challenges faced by its constituency. Whether disabled veterans have needed a voice on Capitol Hill, a nationwide service program, a transportation network or unique rehabilitation opportunities, DAV has focused its attention and resources to meet those needs.

Services to Veterans and Their Families: Founded in 1920, the DAV is totally funded by dues and contributions, receiving no federal funding.

With National Headquarters offices in Cincinnati and Legislative Headquarters in Washington D.C. and the Department of Oklahoma’s Headquarters in Oklahoma City, the DAV focuses strictly on serving veterans and their families. A nonpolitical organization, it has no political action committees (PACS) and endorses no political candidates.

DAV Oklahoma
2311 N. Central Ave.
Suite 1000B
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Phone: (405) 521-0758

Chapter Officers/Meetings


McIntosh County Ch 3
Commander Andrew Wallace
Adjutant Jimmy Garrison
DAV Building
Onapa, OK
1st Thursday 6:00 p.m.

Redlands Ch 4
Commander Lonnie Jackson
Adjutant Billy Elkins
VFW Post 382
1515 S Rock Island
El Reno, OK
1st Tuesday 7:00 p.m.

Please mention you proudly found DAV Oklahoma on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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