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List of participating Blue Star Museums in New Mexico

Blue Star Museums New Mexico

Beginning on Memorial Day 2012 (May 28th) and running through Labor Day 2012 (September 3rd) over 1,600 museums nationwide will offer free admission to active-duty military personnel and their article about the 2012 Blue Star Museums Initiative... view participating museums in other states.

Here's a list of participating art museums, science centers, history museums, nature centers and children’s museums in New Mexico:

Participating Blue Star Museums in New Mexico:

New Mexico Museum of Space History

Albuquerque Museum of Art & History
Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum
National Hispanic Cultural Center Art Museum
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science

Coronado State Monument

National Cave and Karst Research Institute and Museum

Jemez Springs
Jemez State Monument

Las Cruces
City of Las Cruces Museum System
Las Cruces Museum of Art
NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum

Los Alamos
Bradbury Science Museum
Los Alamos Historical Museum

Walker Aviation Museum

Santa Fe
Museum of Indian Arts & Culture
Museum of International Folk Art

Santa Fe
Museum of Spanish Colonial Art
New Mexico History Museum/Palace of the Governors
New Mexico Museum of Art

Silver City
Silver City Museum

Harwood Museum of Art
Millicent Rogers Museum

Tucumcari Historical Museum

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